
Clear-Minded Classic #6: The Renaissance Soul (read this if you can’t choose between your creative passions)

Some creative types have known what they want to do all their lives. From the minute they start to crawl and gurgle something resembling a human language, they have made a beeline for that one thing that floats their boat – whether it be a paintbrush or a pencil, a drum set or a guitar, or a camera.

I hate them.

Okay that’s a bit strong. Perhaps more accurate to say, I’m insanely jealous of them (the lucky swine).

Because I’ve never known what I wanted.

Writing is the thing that comes most naturally to me, but perhaps because of the culture I was brought up in it never seemed like something to pursue as a career, like a doctor or lawyer.

So as well as writing, I drew cartoons, I played guitar, I messed around with a camcorder and made daft DIY music videos. I tried scriptwriting, I tried music reviewing, I even tried this really daft new trend they’re calling blogging, which has enabled me to write, take photos, make videos and record podcasts.

I even get paid for my work as a copywriter now, though not full time as yet. I really enjoy it, I find it rewarding and interesting and it’s definitely suited to my skills. It’s taken me until my early thirties to finally get paid doing something creative that I really enjoy – and it’s still not my full time job.

But guess what? I still want to play guitar, I still want to draw and paint and make daft DIY music videos etc etc. I can’t quite give up on all my creative dreams. I wanted to write a novel, I wanted to record an album of my maudlin acoustic guitar ballads and I wanted to make a short film or even a feature. Still do in fact.

Even now, with all my efforts to be more clear-minded, I just can’t settle on one thing.

Which is where this month’s Clear-Minded Classic comes in. It’s a book called The Renaissance Soul: Life Design for People with Too Many Passions to Pick Just One, by Margaret Lobenstine.

Now if you were always pretty sure what you wanted to do then 1. you’re probably not reading any more, and 2. you probably won’t relate to anything that follows.

If you’re what life and career coach Lobenstine calls a “Renaissance Soul” then you will probably relate very much indeed to the following, learnt from years of working with her clients:

A significant number of these clients tended to have trouble choosing—whether that choice was a career path or activities outside the realm of paid work. Their problems felt bigger than “What should I do to earn a living?” They felt almost philosophical, even existential. “Where is all this going?” they’d ask me in frustration. “Why can’t I make up my mind? If I could, my life would be so much easier!”

The term Renaissance Soul might seem a little fluffy, but she based it on the well known era which was rich with varied artistic expression from the likes of Leonardo Da Vinci. That’s setting the bar a little high, but there’s no pressure to be a genius here – just to look at your perhaps ever-so-slightly-fickle or some might prefer complex personality in a more positive way rather than see it as a negative thing.

Not only that but despite the fact that most career/business advice focuses on sticking to one thing or finding a narrow niche market, Lobenstine firmly believes you can still be successful if you are a Renaissance Soul. There are significant challenges to overcome however.

Wherever they end up, Renaissance Souls usually find that they have to tackle three challenges in order to get where they want to be: focus, money, and time. The challenge of focus is to avoid being paralyzed by the seeming need to choose among many paths. The challenge of money is to link your passions to a source of income. And the challenge of time is twofold: how to avoid “starting all over again” each time you switch interests, and how to organize your time in a way that works with your Renaissance Soul rhythms.

Lobenstine advises the reader to come up with four (or so) key interests that they feel strongly about and wish to focus on for now. As I’ve found with so many of the readings I’ve done for this blog, and my own experiences, values are key to deciding which areas to prioritise.

Human beings—not just Renaissance Souls, but everyone—experience the most productivity, creativity, and joy when they tap into the wellspring of their most deeply held values. And honest priorities are especially important for those of us who often feel overwhelmed or guilty.

Focus is important.

Focusing on four areas in her experience is the perfect balance, allowing for variety but also focus. At first, you shouldn’t be concerned with how much money these focal points may or may not make – you are choosing them because they are genuine passions. When it comes to how long the focal points last, she is vague – it depends on the individual. Some may change them with the seasons, others may keep the same focal points for several years.

Lobenstine then moves on to career design using your current focal points as the building blocks. She advises against trying to fit your interests around the edges of a day job you don’t enjoy – mainly because such day jobs are usually very draining energy-wise and demoralising. Instead she suggests finding a job that will take you closer to one of your focal points in some way.

I’ve certainly found that to be a case with the copywriting work I’ve been doing because I am improving my craft every day that I do it and learning about marketing and business. There are some aspects of this in my main job as well as I have been able to use Photoshop, InDesign and do some video editing as part of that, but it is few and far between.

What the author recommends though is you never define yourself by what she calls your “J.O.B.” – so if someone asks you what you do at a party, you tell her about all the creative stuff you really care about, like the fact you sculpt elephants out of corn on the cob, not just the fact you shine shoes for a living (or whatever).

So far, it all sounds nice and simple right? But in order to determine which ‘focal points’ you should be focusing on, Lobenstine is not going to let you off that easy. She wants you to determine which is the most important using the PRISM test  – Price, Reality, Integrity, Specificity, and Measurability. Whilst the inclusion of SMART goals in my yearly review at work means that acronyms tend to bring me out in hives, she does explain the meaning behind PRISM in a way that makes you understand why it’s useful. Of course there is quite a bit of work involved in doing this so you have to be prepared to put the time and effort in.

Lobenstine does acknowledge though, that time management and structure is not the strong point of the Renaissance Soul. She has suggestions for this too:

It’s very important for you not to micromanage your time, or to schedule yourself so tightly that you can’t respond to opportunities. You need to design your life not by the minute or hour, but by the week or month—and by what really matters to you. You need a set of strategies that will let you respond to your energies and opportunities, while preventing you from chasing a zillion rainbows at once.

So you’ll know by now whether the book will be useful to you. Or it might just be enough for you to know that you’re not alone! I know from experience that I can focus on certain creative interests for a while at the exclusion of others, but eventually I’ll want to go back to the ones I’ve ignored, e.g. pick up the guitar or make another video. I just wish I could stick at one of them long enough to get really good at it!

Let me know in the comments if you consider yourself a ‘Renaissance Soul’ or one of the lucky ones who has always known what they wanted.

Buy the book at Hardcover Kindle edition Hardcover Kindle edition

Note 1 : As well as this book there is another on the same theme called Refuse to Choose!: A Revolutionary Program for Doing Everything That You Love by Barbara Sher
. I haven’t read this book but believe Barbara Sher’s own term for ‘Renaissance Souls’ is “scanners”. Now having seen the David Cronenberg film of the same name several times I’m not as keen on that term (it tended to lead to an unfortunate explosion in the brain area) but I’ve also heard good things about this book.

Note 2: A while after reading Renaissance Soul I found Emilie Wapnick’s website. Emilie also writes about and coaches people with too many passions – she calls them multipotentialites and has recently released her own book which helps people with lots of creative interests come up with business ideas Click here to view more details (affiliate link).


Note 3: Some of my fellow creatively-minded bloggers, Good Ship Lifestyle and Rewire Business are running a survey for multi-passionate people or ‘renaissance souls’. There’s still time to take part:

Note 4: You might notice that not only can Renaissance Souls not choose a specific thing to focus on, they can’t even agree amongst themselves what to call themselves!

21 replies on “Clear-Minded Classic #6: The Renaissance Soul (read this if you can’t choose between your creative passions)”

Always knew I just had to find my Renaissance Soul riddim! A bossa nova perhaps?

The upside is always finding new things of interest. But the lack of focus has certainly been a hindrance in committing to one passion, so ending up in compromise J.O.B.s which pay my bills but corrode my soul.

To conclude I think all the above means we should crack on with a new horror film with soundtrack (with catering at a Lunch Quest recommendation)…!



Yes indeedy. However I think your comment shows that music will always be your first love. That and horror films and food obviously.


Yes! This really spoke to me. I must read the book.
I really envy people who have always had one direction in life, but I’m not naturally one of them. When I’m working on one path I’m so conscious of all the other ones that I’m not doing.


Hi Kate thanks for your comment. I’m glad it resonated with you, it’s a relief to know there are so many people out there who struggle with this. If you do read the book let me know what you think 🙂


Yes and absolutely yes- have ordered the book! Read your article on the bus between the J.O.B and getting home to do some painting which was rather appropriate. Really interested in the idea that over scheduling is a problem might try out loosening my grip on my diary for a month!


Hi Dee, join the club 😉 glad to hear you’re still painting, sounds like you are managing to fit in your creative work which is a good start, but yes it’s quite hard to get the balance right with the old schedule and get a manageable system in place. It’s like walking a tightrope a lot of the time!


Someone just recommended this book for me. I quickly looked it up on Amazon and read a sample. I could not believe it. It was me! A “Renaissance Soul” is a much more flattering image than that of a job hopper ; )

I’m getting the book!!!


As mentioned by another replier, the bells are bonging! I, too, have too many interests to keep up with. I am both bi-polar and a Gemini … I find that I can get almost OCD about a particular passion which will last for an indefinite period of time, then I’ll go to something new or return to something I’ve done in the past, having absolutely no interest in the previous one … until later again. Very frustrating, but never boring! Will definitely check out the book and other links you’ve included. Thanks so much for helping me realize (again) that I’m really not as odd and alone as I thought!


Hi Carol, welcome! Yes, what you’ve described is exactly the same as me, I’ve often wondered if I’m a little bi-polar myself, I’m not Gemini though so that’s one thing I can strike off the list! Hope the book helps and stay tuned as I will be exploring this more soon!


I read Margaret Lobenstine’s book, “The Renaissance Soul” back in 2010, and was so relieved to find out that I’m not actually crazy — there are others out there, just like me, who can’t seem to stick to one thing! I am a Renaissance Soul, and proud of it!

Thanks for this post. 😉


I came across this blog – after I discovered the term ‘Renaissance Soul’. Everything you just said – I connect with!!! I am also working as copywriter!! During the summer, I hated the job I had and decided to work in a creative area. Since then, my life has changed in wonderful ways! Anyways, thanks for sharing your thoughts. Nice to meet another ‘wildly creative and curious soul’. 🙂


you mean im not alone????

WOW! for a long time i have been trying to figure out whats “wrong” with me, i was diagnosed with ADD (non hyperactive kind) as a kid, and i never could stick with one thing for long at all, but i have just too many interests, i have always been a bit scared of going into a new interest for fear of failing again and not following through, i have several unfinished projects scattered around my room and on my computer, and a couple at the library’s digital lab. i am interested in music, animation, drawing, science, voice acting, writing, making videos, dancing, languages, Larping (improvisational acting or roleplaying) and much more. most are creative interests but some i am interested because i am curious about learning new things, from sewing to mechanics and computers and gardening. but none of these i have ever been able to stick with long enough to get good at, some i stopped right away while others i tried for longer but didn’t really get far with.

i considered myself a mess, a big scattered mess of interests that i may never get to do or get very far with, but maybe i will check out these books and that website, maybe i will get some tips on how to manage being a renaissance soul. i must say, im so glad there are others out there, and that there is an actual term for us too. many people dont like being labeled, but when you never knew there were others like you its nice to be able to relate to a certain label then cause i feel it connects me to the others who are like me.

sorry long post, im also quite talkative when the subject is interesting, otherwise i am very shy actually.


Hi Summer, yes it’s true, you’re not the only one! I definitely recommend checking the book and Emilie’s website out, there is a whole community of other ‘renaissance souls’ out there! Thanks for your comment 🙂


I’m one. I’ve had this book for ages but I’ve been too busy pursuing various interests to read it thoroughly (seriously). It is good though – what I’ve read of it. If nothing else, it’s great to find out you’re not a) insane and b) alone with this affliction. I’ve always wanted to ‘find my passion’ but there are too many of them and I don’t want to give anything up in favour of something else in case it’s the wrong something else. Writing, playing the piano and photography seem to be the things I enjoy the most, but what I do on any given day depends how I feel. I couldn’t give up any one of them if my life depended on it.


Hi Carol – yes it’s always good to know we’re not alone! It’s great that you’re keeping so many creative passions going, maybe you don’t really need to read the book 😉


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